Our vision: to love; to grow; to pray; to serve.

Happy Christmas!

Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year, when we remember that Christ was born. God came to be among us, and through Jesus we can come to God. This is good news!

We have a variety of events and services happening around Christmas time, and you're very welcome at any or all of them: you can see our seasonal events and services here.

Christmas Singalong.

Christmas Eve, at 11.00am at St Lawrence, Bradfield.

Singing carols together is good fun - and it's even more fun when we play instruments together, too. Come along to this gathering to sing together, and if you want to bring an instrument, bring that too! We have a selection of music, and we'll choose together what we're singing.

This should be a really lovely start to Christmas Eve - do join us.

Crib Service.

Christmas Eve, at 3.00pm at St Mary & St Michael, Mistley.

A family-friendly, reflective service, as we gather together around the crib and hear the Christmas story.

This is an annual favourite - do come and join in.

Midnight Communion.

Christmas Eve, 11.30pm at St Mary & St Michael, Mistley.

A late-night (early morning!) service, which is traditional and contemplative in tone. Sing carols and hymns, join with others in Communion, and remember Christ's coming at Christmas.

This is a beautiful time together, and you are very welcome.

Christmas Day Services.

Christmas day, at both churches, 10.00am.

Our Christmas services at each church are a lovely way to start the day - remembering what Christmas is really about, and worshipping God together.

At Mistley, we will celebrate in a more contemporary style, while things at Bradfield will feel a little more traditional.

At Bradfield, we will also share communion together.

Why not join us this Christmas?

We have a variety of other services, as normal, throughout this period: you can find out more about our regular service pattern here.

Phone the office on 07436 398801 or Revd Dom Turner on 01206 391218 / 07593 640798.

Visit our Facebook page, or our pages on 'A Church Near You': Mistley and Manningtree / Bradfield church.

We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, and Vulnerable Adults. The PCCs have adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website. Our Benefice Safeguarding Representative is Lorna Osborne, who may be contacted at church or by email safeguarding@manningtreebenefice.co.uk.

This website is currently under construction, and may well change significantly in the months ahead!